Heartworks Lomi Lomi

Heartworks Lomi Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage taught by Sherman Raman Das Dudoit, who practiced and taught a traditional lineage of Lomi lomi that came from the island of Maui. It is a much more gentle approach than Kahuna Massage/lomi lomi. This full body massage uses the hands as an instrument of the heart, making it possible to open body, mind and soul on all levels. To let go of the old and make room for new energy and love in your life.

​Heartworks Lomi Lomi - is a beautiful massage based on intuition, empathy and focus. This heart opening massage style involves hands and fingers flowing in continuous moves, bringing the client to a state of deep relaxation. Within it is the ability to reduce stress, promote muscle relaxation and improve circulation and thereby stimulate the client on both a physical and an emotional level. In receiving this massage, we allow ourselves to let go of the old and make room for new energy and love.

Heartworks Lomi Lomi is the perfect massage for Stress release - it works wonders!

The session

The session will start with a short consultation to understand your reason for the massage. The massage style is made up of long, rhythmic flowing movements. Heartworks lomi lomi is much more gentle and soft compared to Kahuna massage. You will receive a full body massage - head, face, back, Stomach, Chest, arms, legs, feet. I am also trained in Reiki Energy Healing, I close my sessions by balancing your Chakras.

* Please drink plenty of water 24 hours before your session and Bring clothes to wear after the massage that can handle oil. we do not have showers at the studio.